A problem with Google? No.

Carr (2008) believes that change that Google has provided has had a negative effect on his mind. He says, “My mind isn’t going — so far as I can tell — but it’s changing. I’m not thinking the way I used to think. I can feel it most strongly when I’m reading. Immersing myself in a book or a lengthy article used to be easy” (p. 1). Before he spent a lot of his time reading his information from Google, he read from books and was able to grasp the ideas with his mind. Carr now struggles to do so- and he places the blame on Google. Carr brings up an important issue, but reading information on the internet was the main reason for his problem, not using Google. Google simply lead him to the information. He actually experienced the main purpose of the website, which is to attain information. Another problem that people run into is finding credible sources on the website. If you search long enough, you will find one. Just make sure that you find enough aspects to know that the source is a legitimate one.

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