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Horrible Prezi

Don’t have powerpoint so prezi was my only option. I just didn’t like it from the start. It has some information.. but yes it’s terrible, I know.

The End

For many years, information was obtained by reading a book or another form of paper article. Technology advancement up to this point has led to a groundbreaking website that allows you to look up information quickly and easily. This database and website is called Google. Has Google been dumbing down its users or making them more intellectual? The issue is important for one main reason and it is the fact that so many people are using this website everyday to get their information. Researchers provide evidence to support both sides of this dramatic issue. More of the evidence provided leads to the fact that Google is a good way to attain information. The only problem with the website is that there is information that is not from credible sources. This issue could be easily solved by creating a page to teach users how to use Google correctly.

A problem with Google? No.

Carr (2008) believes that change that Google has provided has had a negative effect on his mind. He says, “My mind isn’t going — so far as I can tell — but it’s changing. I’m not thinking the way I used to think. I can feel it most strongly when I’m reading. Immersing myself in a book or a lengthy article used to be easy” (p. 1). Before he spent a lot of his time reading his information from Google, he read from books and was able to grasp the ideas with his mind. Carr now struggles to do so- and he places the blame on Google. Carr brings up an important issue, but reading information on the internet was the main reason for his problem, not using Google. Google simply lead him to the information. He actually experienced the main purpose of the website, which is to attain information. Another problem that people run into is finding credible sources on the website. If you search long enough, you will find one. Just make sure that you find enough aspects to know that the source is a legitimate one.

Google is Simple..

The way Google works is simple. Manne and Wright (2011) analyzed how Google works and explained it this way: “Google’s search engine reviews webpage content and produces a list of the pages most relevant to each user’s particular search query. The search engine also assesses how relevant a website’s content is to a user’s query by looking at how many other relevant websites link to it.” (p. 192). In simpler terms, you go to their website, enter anything in the search box, and click search. Once you click search, you are usually offered tons of information on the subject you typed in.

Google Power

Twenty years ago, doing research was not the most simple task. Research required long periods of time studying various books and going through other sources of information. Today, we have a database accessible to almost everyone that holds an enormous amount of information. This database is a website called Google. Vaidhyanathan (2011) could not have said it any better that  “Google dominates the World Wide Web” (p. 13). This is the first sentence of his book The Googlization of Everything (And Why We Should Worry).

Carr Response

Carr is Incorrect

The topic is important because we all use the internet to do research to read in our leisure time. Finding information is more efficient when using technology because the databases, books, and research material are much easier to access online. I argue that Carr is incorrect because his arguments were opinion based and he jumps to conclusions. His information came from knowledgeable experts, but they made false claims. Carr left out the fact that just because the internet is lessening our attention span, does not mean that we aren’t able to learn as efficiently. Carr claimed that Google shifts responsibility from worker to management but Peter Norvig told him differently. What Peter said was that, “Taylorism shifts responsibility from worker to management… Google does the opposite, by shifting responsibility from management to the worker, encouraging creativity in each job.”


NASA Video Response


I agree with the man in the video completely. I had always thought that going to the moon was to explore outer space, to see what is beyond our planet. I looked at the astronauts and the space program with admiration, those people to me were heroes. Never once did I think that NASA only got us to the moon because of the Cold War with the Soviet Union. This has drastically changed my outlook on the ideals of the United States government. I now realize that anything our government does is only in their best interest, with the exception of a few caring politicians. With all of the issues we are experiencing such as warfare, economy trouble, and global warming, the U.S. needs to begin exploring where we could possibly end up in the future if our Earth becomes inhabitable. It does not cost much at all to fund NASA, so why not continue to do so? If we can make our future better, why don’t the greedy politicians put the issues that they call big aside and get our Space Program back on track? It’s hard to understand why this isn’t happening.


Tom Wolfe Response

Wolfe’s Point

This article ends with, “At this moment, that remains the only solution to recovering NASA’s true destiny, which is, of course, to build that bridge to the stars.” (p.1) This was the main point of Tom Wolfe’s essay. Wolfe (2009) said that the American Space Program “died in infancy at 10:56 p.m. New York time on July 20, 1969, the moment the foot of Apollo 11’s Commander Armstrong touched the surface of the Moon,” (p. 1) and that money has been wasted on the program for a very long time. To him, going to the moon was not something that benefited the U.S. in any way. Throughout the 60’s, the Soviet Union and the U.S. had a small space war. NASA just wanted to get to the moon before the Soviet Union did to give them an edge.
The opening statement made by Wolfe showed a clear disappointment geared toward the actions of NASA, the American Space Program, and also it gave readers an idea of what the article was going to consist of. He had a lot of solid points and he was able to back them up with examples and quotes. The article was organized well and each paragraph was constructed the correct way. The quotations in the body of his article, mainly the ones made by Wernher von Braun, helped to back up Wolfe’s ideas and showed that even an expert, someone that was part of NASA, wasn’t so sure about the reason why the program was doing the things that they were doing. Usage of those quotes and examples to back himself up on his ideas made it very easy to side with him.
Wolfe, T. (2009). One Giant Leap to Nowhere. New York Times. Retrieved from


Google Evolution

Over the years, Google has become the main source of informational research on the internet. Users are able to search anything from ants to zeppelins and end up with millions of results, leading to a decrease in the amount of people reading books and an increase in the amount of people sitting at their computers. This is just one of the effects that is caused by the website. Google is an excellent resource for users, because it provides large quantities of information instantly. There are benefits to using Google, although when users are not careful, they can be mislead or misinformed.


In this fast-paced technological world, simplicity and efficiency are two key aspects valued highly by the people who use technology. The website Google offers these aspects. Google provides information from the vast internet at the click of a mouse. It is the gateway to large amounts of information. It connects ideas and allows you to compare and contrast them to contemplate and figure out what to believe for yourself. We all have questions. The website can give you the answers you were looking for and the evidence to go with it. Google has become the site used by almost everyone to solve their everyday puzzles, by putting the scattered pieces in our minds together. All with a simple click of a mouse.